Updoot Media
2 min readMay 25, 2022


Updoot Universe — Captain’s Log 1.1

Updoot just welcomed our first-ever mobile app update! (Available now on Apple’s App Store and Google Play .)

Everyone knows coding is in fact the easy part of developing an app, it’s the calibration and improving user experience while ensuring we are not throwing in unnecessary time and resources for improvements we do not need.

Since our soft launch (roughly 2 weeks ago), our team has maneuvered around all the bugs to try to optimize the user flow while we sneak new features into it.

Like most new app releases, the most challenging quest we have thus far is getting new users to spend their time on a new platform. In the earliest rendition of our app, we put a lot of effort into fabricating a user-friendly interface so our users can seamlessly submit their wishes at ease. It worked, but the entire process takes so little time our users are rarely spending time on the app.

Hence in the latest update, we brought in ‘Editorial’, a new column where our team will handpick top K-Pop, Cantopop and Hollywood news and put it right on the landing page. It does take some extra time for us to scour the internet to look for content that is most fitting to our branding. The result did not pay off right away, but we are seeing growth in interactions and a lower bounce rate.

Our team is working hard on bringing more features to our app. We are also gearing up for the launch of our website so stay tuned. The Updoot Universe is just right around the corner!



Updoot Media

A community-driven platform for you to share your love and organize fandom campaign with like-minded individuals.